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Showing posts from September, 2017

5 Ways to Treat Nails Naturally

For feminine nails is one of the body parts that should get treatment. It's not all women pay attention to this one, but if not treated it will cause serious illness, for example, swelling on the edge of the nail to digestive diseases caused by not clean in the nail area that there are germs. Having beautiful, beautiful, white, clean and shiny nails will enhance a person's appearance especially for women. Actually caring for nails at home with natural ingredients and simple ways can be done so that no need to go to the salon by spending too much. By using natural ingredients, nail care will get maximum results will not cause bad side effects. Here is how to take care of the nails that can be done alone. Clean the nails & Cut the nails How to care for the most simple nail is to clean the nails and cut the nails. This can be done alone because it is easy and simple. Trim the nails regularly at least 1 time a week. Especially if there is cantengan on the edge of the n

How To Cook Tofu

One food that has been familiar as raw material preparations in daily life is tofu. The food comes from processed soy is soft textured and has enough nutritional content for the body. Tofu is included in the simple processed ingredients because it is easy to find and the price is affordable by all walks of life, but can be a delicious variety of culinary varies greatly, both as a main ingredient or complementary to other dishes. To simplify the search recipes know, here we summarize the 8 recipe preparations know the tasty and practical of blog with simple ingredients and use tofu as the main ingredient. Tofu is most popular food from Indonesia make from soybean with high protein good for health. Fried  Tofu and Flour  5 pieces of tofu halved  2 pieces of chicken eggs, shake with salt to taste  5 tablespoons of wheat flour  2 cloves garlic mashed  100 ml of water  salt, pepper and flavor  6 tablespoons of bread flour  the oil for frying How to make : Mix the wat