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5 Ways to Treat Nails Naturally

For feminine nails is one of the body parts that should get treatment. It's not all women pay attention to this one, but if not treated it will cause serious illness, for example, swelling on the edge of the nail to digestive diseases caused by not clean in the nail area that there are germs.

Having beautiful, beautiful, white, clean and shiny nails will enhance a person's appearance especially for women. Actually caring for nails at home with natural ingredients and simple ways can be done so that no need to go to the salon by spending too much. By using natural ingredients, nail care will get maximum results will not cause bad side effects. Here is how to take care of the nails that can be done alone.

Clean the nails & Cut the nails

How to care for the most simple nail is to clean the nails and cut the nails. This can be done alone because it is easy and simple. Trim the nails regularly at least 1 time a week. Especially if there is cantengan on the edge of the nail, it is very disturbing and painful. By cutting and cleaning the nails, but will look attractive you can also avoid the diseases caused by germs that exist in the nails. Clean nails regularly using either water and soap alone or by using a brush or other nail cleaning tool.

Use Vaseline Petroleum Jelly

Perhaps at this time petroleum jelly has been known by many people. Petroleum jelly from vaseline is one of the multi function moisturizers, among which can moisturize dry skin (can be used on elbows, knees and whole body). In addition, petroleum jelly can also lengthen the eyelashes, remove acne scars are blackened (not pockmarked), and beautify the nail to stay shiny. To use it we simply apply or use as a moisturizer for the nails by using cottonbath

Using olive oil

In addition to moisturize the skin and brighten the skin. Olive oil can also work to keep your nails beautiful. How to provide enough olive oil and then warm but not too hot. After that olive oil can be applied by applying it using cuttonbath onto the surface of the nail. Scrub the dyed cuttonbath into olive oil. Then let stand for 20-15 minutes. Olive oil or olive oil can make your nails smoother and more beautiful. After finishing the nails can be cleaned with water.

Using Salt

Besides as a spice kitchen for food tastes good and delicious, salt can also be used for how to care for the nails. The trick provides a medium-sized container, sufficient warm water and salt to taste. After that mix the salt in warm water. Then soak the hands or just fingers to the salt water. After that let stand for 15-20 minutes, then wipe with ordinary tap water and dry.

Soaking the nails with salt can clean the germs that stick to the nail and make the nail more shiny. After that you can sandpaper nails with the tool to nail more beautiful and shiny perfectly.

Using Lemon

Glossy nails are also obtained by cleaning them with lemon juice. Where lemon water has vitamin C is high enough. This vitamin c will make the nails of the hands or feet become shiny.

The trick is to slice the lemon into several parts and then rub it on the nail surface for several minutes (can be done 5-10 minutes). After that clean the nails with water until it does not feel sticky due to lemon water earlier. In addition, lemons can also clean the nail from the rest of the remaining nail polish.
